Nutritional Properties

Spirulina has multiple nutritional properties thanks to the substances it contains:
- Proteins with high biological value and of plant origin: the quality of the proteins is high. This parameter is evaluated based on the presence of essential amino acids (amino acids that are not synthesized by the body and must necessarily be introduced with the diet). Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids (Phenylalanine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine). Dried Spirulina has a high protein value: between 55-77% of its weight. It also contains phycobiliproteins, in particular thePhycocyanin a powerful antioxidant that helps fight inflammation.
- Essential fatty acids: Omega 3 and Omega 6 mono and polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids that promote blood circulation, keeping the arterial walls elastic and preventing the accumulation of cholesterol and triglycerides.
- Carbohydrates: including Rhamnose and Glycogen.
- Vitamins: A; D; C; AND; Vitamins of group B. Organic substances necessary, even if in small quantities, for general metabolic reactions, for growth and the normal level of efficiency of the organism.
- Sali minerals: Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Copper, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese. Minerals are micronutrients that do not directly provide energy (unlike lipid carbohydrates and proteins), but their presence is necessary for reactions with the release of energy to take place. The body is unable to synthesize any minerals; it is therefore necessary to introduce them with food and drinks.
- It has a very low calorie contentÂ