Beneficial effects

The synergy between its constituents gives SPIRULINA extraordinary beneficial properties for the body.
- ANTIOXIDANT: It prevents the damage of aging, both physical and mental, thanks to the presence of Betacarotene, Phycocyanin, Vitamin C and E which, by carrying out a synergistic effect, counteract free radicals.
- INCREASE IMMUNE DEFENSES: Strengthens the immune system and increases the production of antibodies thanks to Magnesium, Iron, Phycocyanin and Vitamin C.
- ANTI-INFLAMMATORY:Â The fatty acids present, including Linoleic Acid, exert anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial actions.
- ENERGIZING:Â Vegetable proteins and Vitamins A, B, C, K, of which Spirulina is rich, represent an energetic charge for the body.
- ANTIANEMICO:Â Spirulina effectively helps to increase the production and hemoglobin content of red blood cells. In fact, it contains 34 times more iron than spinach, as well as copper and folic acid which help fix the iron and strengthen nails and hair.Â

1. The very high protein content(60-70 g per 100 g of food), makes Spirulina a particularly useful and nutritious food even for the population that does not take in sufficient quantities of amino acids.
2. It represents a valid help to cover the needs of people who do not consume food of animal origin(Vegetarians and Vegans), or who for other reasons have a poor diet.
3. The presence of alginic acid, a mucilaginous substance that binds with toxins and heavy metals present in the body and facilitates their elimination, making Spirulina apowerful depurative and a good antiviral.
4. The cell wall of the Spirulina algae, devoid of cellulose and of the mucoprotein type, gives it a good digestibility which also leads to a normalization of intestinal function.
5. Proteins and vitaminscontained in the Spirulina algae playan invigorating and energizing action.
6. Spirulina reduces the sense of hungerthanks to the phenylalanine content which, acting on the nervous system, induces a sense of satiety.

SPIRULINA VGreen is an ideal food for the whole family, for those who practice sports, for those who travel, for children, for the elderly, for work and for study, for those suffering from intolerances and allergies, for those who follow a diet Vegetarian or Vegan.

Spirulina is essential when you decide toadopt a healthy diet; results a 'natural alternative to multivitamin-mineral supplements and synthetic restoratives.
Spirulina has multiple nutritional and beneficial properties thanks to the substances contained therein. It also has a very low calorie content.